Solar Panel Cleaning, Home Based

This simple, easy business has cleverly capitalised on the boom in solar panel sales around Australia. All solar panels need regular cleaning to maintain the peak performance of the charging system and should be properly cleaned every 6-12 months. Most home owners don’t think about it, because they aren’t aware of the drop in charge caused by the dust, dirt, bird droppings and salt spray that steadily accumulates overtime. Most people, especially elderly folk, are too scared to climb on the roof because they’re afraid they’ll fall off. This business takes care of this whole problem, quickly, easily and in complete safety. It has huge potential to grow, because there is hardly any competition and the current owner has only scratched the surface of the ever growing number on home owners with solar panels.

solar panel clean, cleaning, home based business, home maintenance
Reference Number:
Home Based
Location / Region:
Sunshine Coast
Suburb / City:
Annual Turnover:
Asking Price:
$55 000 WIWO